SolusVM 2 VPS & Cloud For WHMCS

SolusVM 2 VPS & Cloud For WHMCS

Developed By ModulesGarden

Compatible with WHMCS v8.10

SolusVM 2 VPS & Cloud For WHMCS is a versatile module that gives you two practical options for provisioning virtual machines directly from your WHMCS - you can offer them as single VPS instances or as flexible sets of Cloud resources, allowing your clients to create servers of any number and size within their limits.

When customers opt for any server from you, they also gain access to a collection of efficient tools enabling both quick status updates and thorough management of their machines. The module will let them create and restore backups and snapshots, reinstall the server using either operating systems or applications, and even use the noVNC console. To stay up to date, your clients can view a set of intuitive performance graphs showing CPU and memory usage, as well as the throughput of a disk and network.

Adding to the list of benefits is the SolusVM 2 addon, designed to give you comprehensive control over your servers, IP addresses, and active accounts. It will help you keep an eye on the task queue, while also providing customization features for operating system and application logos.

Move past restrictions and switch to an all-new way of provisioning virtual machines. SolusVM 2 VPS & Cloud For WHMCS will keep you always a step ahead of the competition, with your clients spoiled for choice!

Upgrade your SolusVM Extended VPS or Cloud module to SolusVM 2 VPS & Cloud For WHMCS with your individual offer!

Admin Area Features:

  • Create/Suspend/Unsuspend/Terminate Server
  • Change Package
  • Change Password
  • Import Virtual Machine (Cloud):
    • Existing Virtual Machines
    • From SolusVM 2.0 WHMCS Addon
  • View Available Resources (Cloud)
  • Start/Stop/Restart/Shut Down Servers
  • Access noVNC Console
  • Log In To SolusVM Panel (SSO)
  • Toggle Rescue Mode
  • View Servers Status And Details
  • View Scheduled And Completed Tasks
  • View Queue
  • Provide Product General Configuration:
    • Select Product Type
      • VPS - Provisioning Of Single Server Per Product
      • Cloud - Provisioning Of Multiple Servers Per Single Product
    • Select Virtualization Type:
      • KVM
      • VZ
    • Define Image Format
    • Select Compute Resource
    • Select Default User Role
    • Select Storage Type
    • Select Server Location  * Define Server Limits:
    • Virtual CPUs
    • vCPU Units (VZ)
    • vCPU Limit (VZ)
    • Disk Size [GiB]
    • Memory [MiB]
    • IO Priority (VZ)
    • SWAP [MiB] (VZ)
    • Additional IPv4 Addresses
    • Additional IPv6 Addresses
    • Backup Files
  • Define Default Server Configuration:
    • Enable IPv4 And IPv6
    • Provide User Data Script
    • Select Default Operating System / Application
  • Enable Random Password Generation:
    • Provide Available Characters
    • Define Password Length
  • Enable Access To Client Area Features:
    • Start/Stop/Restart/Shut Down Server
    • Open Console
    • Toggle Rescue Mode
    • Change Password
    • Log In To Panel
    • Backups
    • Graphs
    • Network
    • Reinstallation
    • Snapshots
    • Tasks
    • Select Available Operation Systems
    • Select Available Applications
    • Select Server Information Entries
  • Generate Configurable Options

Addon Module:

  • View Server Configurations Lists And Details:
    • IP Address
    • Active Accounts
    • Status
  • Customize Operation System And Application Logo Images
  • View Queue Of Scheduled Tasks And Details
  • Customize Module Language Files With "Translations" Tool

Client Area Features:

  • Manage Single (VPS) Or Multiple (Cloud) Servers Per Product
  • View Servers Status And Details
  • View Available Resources (Cloud)
  • Start/Stop/Restart/Shut Down Servers
  • Access noVNC Console
  • Log In To SolusVM Panel (SSO)
  • Toggle Rescue Mode
  • Change Server Password
  • Create/Manage/Restore Backups
  • View Server Graphs:
    • CPU Usage
    • Disk Throughput
    • Network Throughput
    • Memory Usage
  • View Network Details
  • Reinstall Server Using:
    • Operating Systems
    • Applications
  • Create/Manage/Revert Snapshots
  • View Scheduled And Completed Tasks
  • Provide SSH Public Key For Server Creation

Configurable Options:

  • Location
  • Virtual CPUs
  • Limit of CPU [VZ]
  • CPU Units for the VS [VZ]
  • Disk Size
  • Amount of RAM
  • Amount of SWAP [VZ]
  • IO Priority [VZ]
  • Additional IPv4 Addresses
  • Additional IPv6 Addresses
  • Backup Files Limit
  • OS / Application

General Info:

  • Multi-Language Support With Custom Translations Tool
  • Supports PHP 8.2 Back To PHP 8.1
  • Supports WHMCS Themes "Six", "Twenty-One" And "Lagom WHMCS Client Theme"
  • Supports WHMCS V8.11 Back To WHMCS V8.8
  • Requires ionCube Loader V13 Or Later
  • Easy Module Upgrade To Open Source Version


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Version Compatibility

Compatible with WHMCS v8.10

Full Version Compatibility

  • Selected versions of WHMCS v8.11
  • Selected versions of WHMCS v8.10
  • Selected versions of WHMCS v8.9
  • Selected versions of WHMCS v8.8

Support for this product

The best place to start if you need help with a specific product is to contact the developer. All WHMCS Marketplace developers have both a website and support URL listed.

Developed By ModulesGarden


v1.0.1 Released August 27th, 2024

Latest Version

  • New Feature: WHMCS V8.11 support
  • New Feature: Support for PHP 8.2 version
  • New Feature: Option to display instance's root password in the client area server information details - case #177
  • New Feature: Configure which server information entries are displayed in the client area, including options such as "Status", "Hostname", "Password", vCPU", "Disk", "Memory" and "Image" details - case #177
  • Changed: Requires ionCube Loader V13 or later
  • Bug Fix: Resolved problem with adding new module translations when the admin language was different from the default English - case #179


Previous Versions

v1.0.0 Released July 31st, 2024

View/hide detailed changelog

  • Stable Release
  • New Feature: Option to single sign-on (SSO) into SolusVM panel from the client area - case #137
  • New Feature: Support for providing SSH public key in OpenSSH format for VM creation
  • New Feature: Define the product's randomly generated password by customizing its length and available characters in line with SolusVM requirements
  • New Feature: "Shut Down" action that will proceed with the standard shutdown procedure for supported operating systems instead of directly powering VM down like the "Stop" action
  • New Feature: Option to configure the "Backup Files" limit in module settings and configurable options - case #136
  • New Feature: Option to import VM instances created using the official "SolusVM 2.0 WHMCS addon"
  • Improvement: Enhanced the number of VM actions available for a client that can be controlled via "Client Area Features" configuration
  • Improvement: The "Location" setting can now be set and generated as a configurable option - case #146
  • Improvement: Added additional validation notices for VM creation to check if the specific limits and other options of VM configuration and configurable options were provided
  • Improvement: Added information about cron job configuration in the "Queue" section of the addon module
  • Improvement: Added option to toggle "Rescue Mode" from VM additional actions when using the "Cloud" product type
  • Improvement: Adjusted look of new virtual server creation for the "Cloud" product type
  • Improvement: Updated design of certain server action icons
  • Improvement: Updated language file with new and existing translation entries
  • Bug Fix: The server test connection will now work properly despite the module's license not being provided - case #142
  • Bug Fix: Fixed "Argument #1 ($isDefault) must be of type bool" error that could occur in the module setting if a custom role has been already created in the SolusVM panel - case #144
  • Bug Fix: Corrected look of the "Media Library" section displayed on the mobile view
  • Bug Fix: Solved specific issues that could occur during VZ server type creation
  • Bug Fix: Addressed problems related to upgrading or changing specific server parameters
  • Bug Fix: Other minor code corrections, language and UI adjustments


v1.0.0 Released June 6th, 2024

View/hide detailed changelog

  • Beta Release


See also

Hetzner Servers Manager

Integrate manager for Hetzner Dedicated

Liquid Web VPS & Cloud Dedicated Reseller Program

Resell VPS & Cloud Dedicated Products from Liquid Web

SolusVM WHMCS module

Automate the sale of VPS servers & give your clients the ability to completely manage their VPS server inside of WHMCS, using the industry leading SolusVM control panel.

Acronis Cyber Protect Cloud

AI-Powered Integration of Data Protection and Cybersecurity.

VPN reseller module

Resell VPN accounts with whitelabel Windows, Mac, IOS and Android software
