IMPORTANT NOTICE: Time must be synced with the OIDC server or you may not be able to login.
Copy the admin directory. If you are using custom templates, check the templates folder on how to customize.
Add to WHMCS main configuration.php
Fields (attributes) used: Ensure OIDC Server responds with these 4:
Scopes: openid profile email
The best place to start if you need help with a specific product is to contact the developer. All WHMCS Marketplace developers have both a website and support URL listed.
Initial Release
Easily generate and change passwords for your clients without the need to send an email
Give your customers the power to unblock themselves from the CSF Firewall! Lessen your staff support ticket load
Matt Hentrich @matt4170
Updating my review because I made contact with Adaclare and it turns out I happened to purchase this plugin just as they were doing a server migration, so I failed to get my license key, but the person I spoke to was able to get it to me quickly. I tested the plugin and it worked great, though FWIW, be aware this is a way to enable OIDC authentication to the admin panel only, not WHMCS itself (the user side). Works great for that purpose.
Damon @damon6010
Super awesome to simplify authentication for staff, makes like super simple. Dev was super helpful in assisting us in getting it setup with Google auth