Zendesk For WHMCS

Zendesk For WHMCS

Developed By ModulesGarden

Compatible with WHMCS v8.10

ModulesGarden Zendesk For WHMCS rests on close integration of Zendesk into your WHMCS so as to equip it with new quality features for management of support tickets. With this module, your customers will enjoy benefits of the widely respected customer service solution without ever stepping out of your comfy client area!

The WHMCS built-in support system will be cleverly replaced with the Zendesk tool suite, in such a way that its look and feel will remain untouched in essence. The focal change lies in the extended variety of possibilities offered to your clients, empowered by the module to fill in Zendesk ticket fields or even use emojis in messages – everything straight on your website. At the same time, you and your support teams will be welcome to view, answer and manage all the tickets, including the WHMCS ones, directly from the Zendesk admin area.

Running multiple brands? So much the better! Zendesk For WHMCS includes spotless integration with our legendary Multibrand For WHMCS that will allow you to handle main ticket settings for each of your brands separately. Worthy of special note is also the module's compatibility with the Zendesk's Multibrand feature, leaving you the choice as to which brand from those available in Zendesk should be connected with your WHMCS.

Gain unshakable trust of your audience by ensuring each of their needs is diligently taken care of. Order Zendesk For WHMCS yet today and become a mastermind in the realm of a brilliant customer service!

Check out also our free WHMCS Widget For Zendesk by means of which you can preview the details of every customer, along with their products, domains and due invoices. For more information, visit our Wiki.

Client Area Features:

  • View Zendesk Departments
  • Open New Ticket In Chosen Department
  • Open New Ticket From "Contact Us" Form
  • Manage Existing Tickets
  • Fill In Zendesk Ticket Fields
  • Select Related Service
  • Attach Files To Ticket
  • List Recent Tickets

Admin Area Features:

  • Configure And Test Server Connection
  • Toggle SSL Connection
  • Toggle SSO For Only Verified Users
  • Select Zendesk Brand
  • Choose Available Support Departments
  • Choose Available Ticket Fields
  • Choose Default Department For Exported Tickets
  • Choose Department For "Contact Us" Tickets Opened By Visitors
  • Define Client Service Field
  • Manually Export To Zendesk:
    • WHMCS Users
    • WHMCS Tickets
  • Check Status Of Exported Users
  • Define Module Behavior:
    • Show Solved Tickets
    • Define Order Of Replies
    • Allow Shared Login Redirection
    • Update Client Credentials
  • Define Default Column And Sorting Direction For Tickets
  • Define Ticket Status Colors
  • View Logs


  • Single Sign On (SSO) Integration
  • Automatically Export To Zendesk:
    • New Tickets
    • Users On Tickets Creation
  • Synchronize Ticket Responses Between WHMCS And Zendesk
  • Transfer Ticket Fields Settings
  • Transfer Attachments Settings
  • Convert Markdowns To HTML And Emojis
  • Use Multibrand For WHMCS Integration To:
    • Export Branded Tickets To Selected Departments
    • Define Per Brand:
      • Default Department
      • Contact Us Department
      • Available Departments
      • Available Ticket Fields

General Info:

  • Integrated With Multibrand For WHMCS - Export And Create Tickets From Each Brand To Chosen Departments
  • Supports Zendesk Multibrand Feature
  • Supports Zendesk Emoji - Artworks Provided By EmojiOne
  • Custom Templates Support
  • Fully Integrated With Lagom WHMCS Client Theme
  • Multi-Language Support
  • Supports PHP 8.1 Back To PHP 7.4
  • Supports WHMCS Themes "Six" And "Twenty-One"
  • Supports WHMCS V8.10 Back To WHMCS V8.8
  • Requires ionCube Loader V12 Or Later
  • Easy Module Upgrade To Open Source Version



5 stars
4 stars
3 stars
2 stars
1 star

Max @max1760

April 12, 2022 at 10:05:34 AM

A nice way to integrate 2 fantastic products: Zendesk and WHMCS. Our staff can now work in Zendesk to manage all customers' requests without going to WHMCS at all. Keep up your good work guys!

  • 2 years ago
  • Version Number 2.3.3

Dan Lockcuff @dan2421

March 27, 2020 at 07:47:35 PM

Just installed this and it seems to work pretty well. It makes life much easier if you're wanting to use Zendesk over others. It as an easy install as well.

  • 4 years ago
  • Version Number 2.2.0

Machen Mathews @bitcoin

February 6, 2018 at 05:32:12 AM

We’re very satisfied with the ease of use and installation. Once in place it made generating service related transactional email/tickets and replying to support queries quite simple. Having the power of zendesk to manage tickets is incredible. We recommend with 5 stars because the product works simply and effectively — therefore saving our team hours each week.

  • 6 years ago
  • Version Number 1.7.1
  • Edited


February 5, 2018 at 05:57:04 AM

We love Zendesk and WHMCS, both enjoy synchronization. This works flawlessly and means our support staff can work in Zendesk exclusively with all their ticket responses being updated automatically inside WHMCS for clients and other billing support staff.

  • 6 years ago
  • Version Number 1.7.1

Rick Lawrence @hostinghostingnationcom1413

January 30, 2018 at 10:59:23 PM

We love Zendesk and we love WHMCS, now we can connect both and enjoy synchronization. This works flawlessly and means our support staff can work in Zendesk exclusively with all their ticket responses being updated automatically inside WHMCS for clients and other billing support staff. Should we work from Zendesk or WHMCS support module... the answer is YES! Thanks ModulesGarden for kickass integrations that make our life easier!

  • 6 years ago
  • Version Number 1.7.1

Version Compatibility

Compatible with WHMCS v8.10

Full Version Compatibility

  • Selected versions of WHMCS v8.10
  • Selected versions of WHMCS v8.9
  • Selected versions of WHMCS v8.8

Support for this product

The best place to start if you need help with a specific product is to contact the developer. All WHMCS Marketplace developers have both a website and support URL listed.

Developed By ModulesGarden


v2.5.0 Released June 12th, 2024

Latest Version

  • New Feature: Choose the default column and direction for the tickets list sorting in the client area - case #357
  • Improvement: Adjusted way the module creates and updates Zendesk account details based on WHMCS user and client profile
  • Improvement: The client phone number will now be passed through to the Zendesk account upon its creation or edition
  • Improvement: Maintenance update and stability optimizations
  • Removed: Support for WHMCS V8.7 and previous
  • Bug Fix: Changing clients and users email addresses in WHMCS will now also properly update their email details in the Zendesk panel
  • Bug Fix: Solved problem where tickets with attachments might not be exported properly from the admin area
  • Bug Fix: Corrected ticket filters and messages view for "Lagom WHMCS Client Theme" - case #354
  • Bug Fix: Attachment extension restrictions now have the missing language translation added
  • Bug Fix: Fixed issue with using the search function in "Logs" that might have occurred on PHP 8.1 servers
  • Bug Fix: Eliminated exception error when trying to attach an empty file with the size of 0 bytes
  • Bug Fix: Resolved conflicts with modules, such as DNS Manager For WHMCS or IP Manager For WHMCS, caused by composer dependencies update - case #378
  • Bug Fix: Fixed issue where clients might have seen tickets from all brands instead of only the selected one when integrated with Multibrand For WHMCS - case #384
  • Bug Fix: Tickets created via Zendesk email address will now have their thread properly displayed in the client area
  • Bug Fix: Topics with single long phrases will now wrap correctly in the "Ticket Information" and "Your Recent Tickets" views, instead of extending outside their areas
  • Bug Fix: Other minor code corrections, language and UI adjustments


Previous Versions

v2.4.4 Released January 24th, 2024

View/hide detailed changelog

  • New Feature: WHMCS V8.9 support
  • Improvement: Added support for various text formatting methods such as pre-tags for code blocks, headers, italics, bold text, list, and other elements from Markdown - case #355
  • Bug Fix: Tickets will now be properly fetched when using the "Show Solved Tickets" option - case #367
  • Bug Fix: Corrected functionality related to refreshing client statuses for their export - case #351
  • Bug Fix: Solved case where a newly created ticket could temporarily have a "Closed" status in the recent tickets sidebar - case #352
  • Bug Fix: Eliminated issue that prevented custom fields from loading when placing an order in the admin area - case #356
  • Bug Fix: Fixed "TypeError" that could occur when the "Client Services" and "Ticket Fields" were not configured in the "Ticket Settings" - case #364
  • Bug Fix: Resolved problems with the "Class "Symfony(...)\FilesystemCache" not found" and "Argument #2 ($array) must be of type array" errors that could occur after submitting a ticket - case #365, #366
  • Bug Fix: Tickets with "On Hold" status will now be properly displayed in the "View" sidebar - case #193
  • Bug Fix: Eliminated "Uncaught ParseError: syntax error, unexpected '|', expecting ';'" issue that could occur when running the daily WHMCS cron job - case #372
  • Bug Fix: Fixed conflict with the Multibrand For WHMCS module that could lead to a fatal error during the order checkout - case #374
  • Bug Fix: The "No Recent Tickets Found" notice will no longer be displayed on the client's dashboard if the tickets are already created in Zendesk - case #376
  • Bug Fix: Other minor code corrections


v2.4.3 Released August 23rd, 2023

View/hide detailed changelog

  • New Feature: WHMCS V8.8 support
  • Improvement: Implemented language overrides support, enabling the utilization of customized translations
  • Improvement: Introduced various speed optimizations for loading pages containing multiple tickets - case #338, #339
  • Removed: Support for WHMCS V8.5 and previous
  • Bug Fix: Solved problem with parsing AJAX responses that contained additional BOM (byte order mark) characters - case #342
  • Bug Fix: Fixed issue where the administrator role might be switched to "end-user" after exporting a WHMCS client with the same email address as the administrator's - case #340
  • Bug Fix: Eliminated "Something has gone wrong" error that appeared when trying to view a ticket that contained a custom ticket field previously removed from Zendesk - case #339
  • Bug Fix: Resolved issue where the last name of a client was not correctly exported to Zendesk during individual client details export - case #346
  • Bug Fix: Other minor code corrections


v2.4.2 Released April 3rd, 2023

View/hide detailed changelog

  • New Feature: WHMCS V8.7 support
  • Removed: Support for WHMCS V8.3 and previous
  • Removed: Support for PHP 7.3 version
  • Bug Fix: Prevented "URL using bad/illegal format or missing URL" error that might have caused problems with loading the tickets list - case #332
  • Bug Fix: Eliminated "TypeError" that could occur when trying to edit the client details without previously enabling the Multibrand For WHMCS module - case #334, #335
  • Bug Fix: Fixed problems with using the "Contact Us" form when the Multibrand For WHMCS module was not installed


v2.4.1 Released December 2nd, 2022

View/hide detailed changelog

  • New Feature: WHMCS V8.6 support
  • New Feature: Support for PHP 8.1 version
  • Changed: Requires ionCube Loader V12 or later
  • Removed: Support for WHMCS V8.2 and previous
  • Removed: Support for PHP 7.2 version
  • Bug Fix: Corrected sorting via the "Last Updated" date - case #311
  • Bug Fix: Fixed issues with exporting tickets created by unlogged clients via the "Contact Us" form
  • Bug Fix: Resolved problem with adding multiple ticket attachments if the WHMCS "Knowledgebase Suggestion" option was disabled - case #314
  • Bug Fix: Other minor coded corrections


v2.4.0 Released August 3rd, 2022

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  • New Feature: WHMCS users support - any user participating in the conversation will now receive email notifications about the ticket replies
  • New Feature: WHMCS user details will be now synchronized with the Zendesk panel
  • Improvement: Cache time of the module can now be adjusted to seconds using the "configuration.yml" file
  • Changed: "Users" instead of "Clients" accounts will be now exported to Zendesk when using "Users Export" tool in the addon module
  • Bug Fix: Minor code corrections and adjustments


v2.3.4 Released June 21st, 2022

View/hide detailed changelog

  • New Feature: WHMCS V8.5 support
  • Removed: Support for WHMCS V8.1 and previous
  • Bug Fix: Fixed problem with SSO redirection due to an invalid JWT format - case #293
  • Bug Fix: Resolved problems with file attachments if their names contained non-ASCII characters - case #299
  • Bug Fix: Fixed encoding issues in ticket threads that occurred when certain non-Latin characters were used - case #305


v2.3.3 Released January 24th, 2022

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  • New Feature: WHMCS V8.4 support
  • Improvement: Several queries have been optimized to improve the tickets loading time in the client area - case #282
  • Bug Fix: Resolved problem of the module tables that might not be created in the WHMCS database after the addon activation - case #290


v2.3.2 Released September 29th, 2021

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  • New Feature: WHMCS V8.3 support
  • Bug Fix: Added missing notification to log entries if the ticket export fails because one of its replies is empty
  • Bug Fix: Added missing description for the "Zendesk Brand" tooltip field in "Ticket Settings"


v2.3.1 Released August 4th, 2021

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  • Removed: Support for WHMCS V7.10 and previous
  • Bug Fix: Fixed issue that might have caused that the values of ticket settings were not fetched - case #277
  • Bug Fix: Corrected order of displaying the first message in the ticket after exporting it to Zendesk - case #278
  • Bug Fix: Resolved problem with "404 page not found error" that might have occurred when using SSO to Zendesk panel
  • Bug Fix: Adjusted displaying of the non-Latin characters in the sidebar's ticket information subject


v2.3.0 Released June 30th, 2021

View/hide detailed changelog

  • New Feature: WHMCS V8.2 and "Twenty-One" theme support
  • New Feature: Integration with Multibrand For WHMCS - define various departments and ticket fields for each brand as well as export existing branded tickets to selected departments
  • Bug Fix: Eliminated numerous warnings generated into the "tblerrorlog" database table
  • Bug Fix: Other code corrections and improvements


v2.2.6 Released May 17th, 2021

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  • Changed: SSO login to Zendesk will be now allowed only for accounts with verified email addresses - case #206
  • Removed: Support for WHMCS V7.9
  • Removed: Support for PHP 7.1 version
  • Bug Fix: Fixed "Shared Login Redirection" functionality for WHMCS V8.X - case #249
  • Bug Fix: Corrected displaying URL hyperlinks in messages based on email templates - case #250


v2.2.5 Released January 4th, 2021

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  • Bug Fix: Fixed "No URL set!" error that might have occurred during the ticket export if no attachment was found - case #230
  • Bug Fix: Minor code corrections related to WHMCS V8.X


v2.2.4 Released October 26th, 2020

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  • Removed: Support for WHMCS V7.8 and previous
  • Bug Fix: Solved problem with improper saving and using the chosen brand in the ticket settings - case #225
  • Bug Fix: Corrected security issues - case #224


v2.2.3 Released August 25th, 2020

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  • New Feature: WHMCS V8.0 and PHP 7.4 support
  • Removed: Support for PHP 7.0 and previous


v2.2.2 Released July 27th, 2020

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  • Improvement: Ticket fields can be now translated via the language file - case #203
  • Changed: Due to API limitations, tickets created by administrators will be now hidden from the export section - case #209
  • Bug Fix: Resolved problem with the "step3() does not exist" error that could have occurred on certain WHMCS installation - case #205
  • Bug Fix: Fixed issues with exporting tickets created from the "Contact Us" form - case #207


v2.2.1 Released April 10th, 2020

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  • New Feature: WHMCS V7.10 support
  • Removed: Support for WHMCS V7.7 and previous


v2.2.0 Released February 26th, 2020

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  • New Feature: Ticket fields - select which additional fields created in Zendesk shall be displayed for clients when submitting a ticket from WHMCS - case #108
  • Improvement: Added support for Zendesk's "Numeric", "Decimal", "Date" and "Regex" field types
  • Improvement: Ticket department names can now be translated or changed to any custom name using language file - case #169
  • Improvement: Client's phone number set in WHMCS will also be passed to the profile in Zendesk, as well as updated in case of any changes - case #178
  • Bug Fix: Corrected display of the "Drop-down" ticket field type in WHMCS client area
  • Bug Fix: Fixed issue that might have passed answers of the "Type" field improperly to the Zendesk panel
  • Bug Fix: Other minor module corrections and UI improvements


v2.1.4 Released December 17th, 2019

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  • New Feature: WHMCS V7.9 support
  • Removed: Support for WHMCS V7.6 and previous
  • Bug Fix: Resolved problem with saving certain ticket status colors that could sometimes go back to the default #FFFFFF after saving settings - case #166
  • Bug Fix: Corrected issue with missing replies when exporting closed tickets to Zendesk - case #170
  • Bug Fix: Minor corrections to the attachments processing


v2.1.3 Released July 8th, 2019

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  • Bug Fix: Resolved problem with creating a ticket in case the "Priority" ticket field has been edited in Zendesk panel - case #161
  • Bug Fix: Corrected support for PHP 7.3


v2.1.2 Released May 16th, 2019

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  • Removed: Support for WHMCS V7.4 and previous
  • Bug Fix: Fixed problems related to the cache that might have caused the tickets and departments to disappear - case #152
  • Bug Fix: Zendesk fields with "Agent Only" flag will no longer be visible in the ticket view to clients - case #154
  • Bug Fix: Corrected loading of assets on custom templates if the default template "six" was removed from WHMCS - case #158
  • Bug Fix: Fixed case of the tickets counter always displaying "0" value if the "Recent Support Tickets" widget was hidden from the client's dashboard on a custom template - case #159


v2.1.1 Released January 25th, 2019

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  • New Feature: WHMCS V7.7 and PHP 7.3 support
  • Removed: Support for WHMCS V7.3 and previous
  • Bug Fix: Markdown used for embedding images in the support panel will be now correctly formatted in the client area ticket view - case #151
  • Bug Fix: Resolved issue with tickets fetching if the client has more than one hundred of them - case #153


v2.1.0 Released September 19th, 2018

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  • New Feature: "Contact Us" form support - select a Zendesk department to which tickets submitted by visitors will be assigned
  • Improvement: Statuses of exported tickets in Zendesk will now correspond with their statuses in WHMCS
  • Improvement: "Related Service" dropdown list will be now sorted alphabetically and organized in product groups
  • Improvement: The connection test no longer requires server settings to be saved first
  • Improvement: Added "mailto:" link to emails on the users export list
  • Improvement: "Client Services" dropdown in the "Ticket Settings" section will no longer display inactive fields
  • Improvement: Extended logs to include more information
  • Removed: Support for WHMCS V7.1 and previous
  • Bug Fix: Resolved lack of full content in exported tickets that were previously merged
  • Bug Fix: Refreshing ticket after sending a reply will no longer result in resending the same message again
  • Bug Fix: Assorted minor corrections


v2.0.4 Released July 31st, 2018

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  • Bug Fix: Corrected 'Shared Login Redirection' option which worked when disabled basing on a corrupted toggle - case #134
  • Bug Fix: Resolved issue with tickets being always exported with the 'Open' status - case #133
  • Bug Fix: Solved problem that caused the apostrophe characters being incorrectly displayed as '


v2.0.3 Released July 5th, 2018

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  • Bug Fix: Eliminated issues related to PHP 7.2 that might have affected e.g. single sign on integration
  • Bug Fix: Resolved problem with opening the attachment with a space in the name - case #129
  • Bug Fix: Corrected display of tickets in the client area when their number exceeds hundred - case #131


v2.0.2 Released April 24th, 2018

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  • Bug Fix: Resolved security issue providing customers with the access to tickets they do not own


v2.0.1 Released April 11th, 2018

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  • New Feature: WHMCS V7.5 support
  • New Feature: PHP 7.1 and 7.2 support


v2.0.0 Released February 21st, 2018

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  • Improvement: Completely rewritten code
  • Improvement: Rebuilt addon module user interface
  • Improvement: If only one department is available, it will be automatically selected when opening a new ticket
  • Improvement: Export lists now include hyperlinks to client profiles and tickets
  • Improvement: Assorted language adjustments
  • New Feature: Support for emoji (emoticons) in tickets view
  • New Feature: Choose a department for exported tickets
  • New Feature: Set the 'Client Services' custom field to display a client's service in a ticket in the Zendesk panel
  • New Feature: 'Logs' section to monitor module actions and API responses


v1.7.1 Released August 7th, 2017

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  • Improvement: Code adjustments to increase the speed of data exporting
  • Bug Fix: Resolved issue that might cause errors during the upgrade process
  • Bug Fix: Configuration of default department is now saving properly
  • Bug Fix: Solved issue with displaying private notes of other administrators


v1.7.0 Released June 14th, 2017

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  • New Feature: Support for Zendesk Multibrand feature
  • Improvement: Minor code refinements


v1.6.2 Released March 10th, 2017

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  • Bug Fix: Adjusted charset processing to correct encoding of apostrophes
  • Bug Fix: Resolved problem of not displaying tickets for client's contacts


v1.6.1 Released January 5th, 2017

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  • Improvement: Enhanced Multi-Language support
  • Bug Fix: Log in to Zendesk using WHMCS credentials


v1.6.0 Released December 14th, 2016

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  • New Feature: Export WHMCS clients' accounts which existed prior to module installation
  • New Feature: Export WHMCS tickets created prior to module installation
  • Improvement: UI tweaks


v1.5.4 Released October 31st, 2016

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  • New Feature: PHP 7 support


v1.5.3 Released October 13th, 2016

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  • New Features: WHMCS V7 support
  • Bug Fix: Minor code refinements


v1.5.2 Released September 26th, 2016

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New Feature: Define available support departments


v1.5.1 Released June 7th, 2016

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  • Bug Fix: Parse response from Zendesk API
  • Bug Fix: Display error if new Zendesk user account cannot be created
  • Bug Fix: SSO to the Zendesk panel
  • Bug Fix: Prevent strict standard from occurring
  • Bug Fix: Prevent from displaying tickets if user is logged out


v1.5.0 Released November 25th, 2015

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  • New Feature: Compatibility with Zendesk markdowns
  • New Feature: Test server connection
  • New Feature: Support for data type custom field
  • Improvement: Module configuration moved from file to Zendesk addon module
  • Improvement: Extended multi-language support
  • Improvement: Hide ability to add attachment if attachments are disabled on Zendesk server


v1.3.3 Released January 19th, 2017

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  • Bug Fix: Resolved conflict related to 'mysql_query_safe' function


See also

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WHMCS Support Module

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