SiteProtection is a brand new Website security service offering built on the solid foundations of the world-wide renowned, multi-award winning BitNinja ServerProtection!
It's a "Auto-pilot" like full-stack protection service that provides protection against commonly increasing trend of targeted attacks. Comes along with built-in backup, and through visibility for actionable insights about the security posture of your websites in a simple to use, solution package!
SiteProtection provides the vital security health information for your websites in simple and intuitive ways. It's easy to understand even for users who are not considering themselves as security professionals.
While it runs and monitors the activity status of your Backups, Captcha Protection and Website Decoys, it's giving the end-users visibility on multiple attack vectors, and the operation of the defensive measures working together to protect their websites from malicious activity.
Capabilities include:
Actionable insights and explanations for the captured data allows the users of SiteProtection to tune their website protection measures in order to maximise their site visibility, SEO engine indexing effectiveness, and to focus the web traffic from targeted geographies while maintaining strong security posture.
This module allows users of WHMCS to build and automate the checkout process for their customers for SiteProtection subscriptions, and manage license keys, so they can easily set up their reseller operations when using WHMCS.
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1st release
Give your customers the power to unblock themselves from the CSF Firewall! Lessen your staff support ticket load
Easily generate and change passwords for your clients without the need to send an email