The OVH/SYS IP Manager will allow your customers to manage certain functions on IPv4 blocks bought from the OVH or SoYouStart(SYS) brands. When customers use IPs they will often need services as PTR records configured. Without the OVH/SYS IP Manager your customer would have to submit a ticket to your support team and wait for the PTR(s) to be configured.
This adds extra work for your support team and possibly diverts resources away from other important tasks. The OVH/SYS IP Manager resolves this. Your customer can set their own PTR records by visiting the IP Manager which is located under the "Support" tab in your customer's client area.
The OVH/SYS IP Manager can also help when your customer has been sending spam and a port 25 block has been applied to your customer's IP. This would restrict the sending of all emails until the customers contacted your support team to unblock the IP. By using this module, your customer can unblock port 25 from their client area.
DDoS Protection can be enabled and disabled on a per IP basis. When enabled, all traffic is filtered and bad traffic routed away from the server. DDoS protection can only be enabled and disabled on OVH services. On SYS services, DDoS protection is always set to "auto".
Each customer can manage a maximum of 10 IP blocks per service. Setup is completed by placing custom fields on your products. 1 IPv4 block is entered per custom field.
The OVH/SYS IP Manager works with the following OVH/SYS APIs. In V1.0 you can only use 1 API at any one time.
The OVH/SYS IP Manager is compatible with any custom theme and is shipped with its own templates. It's shipped with all of the default language translations used by WHMCS.
Keep your customers informed with OVH Notifications. Why not send notifications to your customers as well? With OVH Notifications you can send Spam notifications, Hack notifications, and DDoS notifications amongst others. See our other products below.
OVH Notifications
WSC Free
The best place to start if you need help with a specific product is to contact the developer. All WHMCS Marketplace developers have both a website and support URL listed.
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