Customisation and Localisation of Promotions
In WHMCS 7.6 and later, MarketConnect promotions and upsell content can be customised and translated via language files.
Customising and Translating the Content
An example promotional banner for SSL is shown below.

Let's begin by breaking this down into the individual parts that create the promotional content:

In this example, the promotion is for SSL, it is a promotion (not an upsell), and it is for the RapidSSL product. These pieces of information are important when it comes to building the language string name you will need to use in a language file to customise the content.
Below is the structure of a MarketConnect promotional language string. It contains these five parts:

- The first element is always 'store'. It represents the namespace used for all MarketConnect language strings.
- The second element contains the product type. This can be symantec, weebly, spamexperts, sitelock, sitelockvpn, codeguard, marketgoo, ox or cpanelseo.
- The third element is the promotion type. Promotions are the banners and content displayed to users who have not yet purchased one of the MarketConnect services. Upsells are the banners and content displayed to users when there is a recommended upgrade to the product they currently have. Valid values for this element are promo or upsell.
- The fourth element is the product name and in the format service_product. In this example, it's the rapidssl_rapidssl product.
- The fifth element is the element name for the promotional content to be modified. Valid values for this include: headline, tagline, description, feature1, feature2, feature3, feature4, and cta.
As with all language customisations, we recommend that you create an override file to ensure that your customisations are preserved in future upgrades. For more information, see our Languages Overrides developer documentation.
After you add the lines to the language file, it should resemble this example:
$ cat lang/overrides/english.php
* Language Override File
* English (en)
$_LANG['store']['symantec']['promo']['rapidssl_rapidssl']['headline'] = 'Add SSL to your website';
$_LANG['store']['symantec']['promo']['rapidssl_rapidssl']['tagline'] = 'with the #1 choice in SSL Certificates';
$_LANG['store']['symantec']['promo']['rapidssl_rapidssl']['feature1'] = 'Add the padlock to your website';
$_LANG['store']['symantec']['promo']['rapidssl_rapidssl']['feature2'] = 'Avoid Chrome Security Warnings';
$_LANG['store']['symantec']['promo']['rapidssl_rapidssl']['feature3'] = 'Protect your customers' privacy';
$_LANG['store']['symantec']['promo']['rapidssl_rapidssl']['feature4'] = 'Secure your website';
$_LANG['store']['symantec']['promo']['rapidssl_rapidssl']['cta'] = 'Act now, add';
When you refresh the client area page, the promotion should now appear similar to this example:

Differentiating Upsells and Promos
The following definitions should aid in deciding whether to use "upsell" or "promo" in your language string when translating the content.
Use "Promo" when you display a promotion for a product that the customer does not yet own.
For example, if the customer currently has no RapidSSL products in their account and they see a promotion for a RapidSSL certificate, this is considered a "promo" to promote that product.
Use "Upsell" when you display a promotion for a product that the customer already owns.
For example, if the customer has a Weebly Lite plan in their account and they see a promotion for another more expensive Weebly product (for example, Weebly Pro), this would be considered an "upsell".
Supported Product Types and Product Names
SSL Certificates
Product Name Value | Product |
rapidssl_rapidssl |
RapidSSL Certificate |
rapidssl_wildcard |
RapidSSL Wildcard |
geotrust_quickssl |
GeoCert QuickSSL |
geotrust_quicksslpremium |
GeoTrust QuickSSL Premium |
geotrust_quicksslpremiumwildcard |
GeoTrust QuickSSL Premium Wildcard |
geotrust_truebizid |
GeoTrust True BusinessID |
geotrust_truebizidev |
GeoTrust True Business ID with EV |
geotrust_truebizidwildcard |
GeoTrust True Business ID Wildcard |
digicert_securesite |
DigiCert Secure Site |
digicert_securesitepro |
DigiCert Secure Site Pro |
digicert_securesiteev |
DigiCert Secure Site EV |
digicert_securesiteproev |
DigiCert Secure Site Pro EV |
Product Name Value | Product |
weebly_lite |
Weebly Lite (7.9 and below) |
weebly_free | Weebly Free (7.10 and above) |
weebly_starter |
Weebly Starter |
weebly_pro |
Weebly Pro |
weebly_business |
Weebly Business |
weebly_performance |
Weebly Performance |
Product Name Value | Product |
spamexperts_incoming |
SpamExperts Incoming |
spamexperts_outgoing |
SpamExperts Outgoing |
spamexperts_incomingoutgoing |
SpamExperts Incoming/Outgoing |
spamexperts_incomingarchiving |
SpamExperts Incoming Archiving |
spamexperts_outgoingarchiving |
SpamExperts Outgoing Archiving |
spamexperts_incomingoutgoingarchiving |
SpamExperts Incoming & Outgoing Archiving |
Product Name Value | Product |
sitelock_lite |
Sitelock Lite |
sitelock_find |
Sitelock Find |
sitelock_fix |
Sitelock Fix |
sitelock_defend |
Sitelock Defend |
sitelock_emergency |
Sitelock Emergency |
SiteLock VPN
Product Name Value |
Product |
sitelockvpn_standard | SiteLock VPN |
Product Name Value | Product |
codeguard_lite |
CodeGuard Lite |
codeguard_personal |
CodeGuard Personal |
codeguard_professional |
CodeGuard Professional |
codeguard_business |
CodeGuard Business |
codeguard_businessplus |
CodeGuard Business Plus |
codeguard_power |
CodeGuard Power |
codeguard_powerplus |
CodeGuard Power Plus |
Product Name Value |
Product |
marketgoo_lite | marktegoo Lite |
marketgoo_pro | marketgoo Pro |
OX App Suite
Product Name Value |
Product |
ox_standard | OX App Suite |
ox_productivity | OX App Suite + Productivity |
Site Builder
Product Name Value | Product |
sitebuilder_trial | Site Builder Trial |
sitebuilder_onepage | Site Builder OnePage |
sitebuilder_unlimited | Site Builder Unlimited |
sitebuilder_store | Site Builder Store |
sitebuilder_storeplus | Site Builder Store Plus |
sitebuilder_storepremium | Site Builder Store Premium |
Product Name Value |
Product |
xovinow_starter | Starter |
xovinow_pro | Professional |
360 Monitoring
Product Name Value |
Product |
threesixtymonitoring_lite |
Lite |
threesixtymonitoring__personal |
Personal |
threesixtymonitoring_plus |
Plus |
threesixtymonitoring_advanced |
Advanced |
threesixtymonitoring_pro |
Pro |
threesixtymonitoring_business |
Business |
threesixtymonitoring_enterprise |
Enterprise |
If you have any questions or need assistance identifying the language strings to use for your particular use case, contact our support team.
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