

June 2022

The following new features are available in WHMCS v8.5:

Multi-Year SSL Orders with DigiCert

Offer two-year and three-year SSL certificates from RapidSSL, GeoTrust and DigiCert via MarketConnect with fully automatic reissuance and reinstallation throughout the order period.

For more information: https://docs.whmcs.com/SSL_Certificates_via_WHMCS_MarketConnect#Multi-Year_SSL_Certificates

cPanel SEO via MarketConnect

Now available!  An SEO product offering that helps your customers websites rank more highly in search engines such as Google, creating more successful websites to maximise customer retention.

 For more information please visit: https://blog.whmcs.com/133719/feature-spotlight-cpanel-seo-via-marketconnect

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