Get Started Selling SSL Certficates
First, activate the SSL services in your WHMCS Admin. To do this, navigate to Setup > MarketConnect and click "Start Selling" on the DigiCert box.
If the box says "Manage" the services are already active and you can skip this part.

Setting up your products
Once activated, all the SSL services will become active products for your clients to purchase. Now we can quickly manage all the products from this page by clicking the "Manage" button and selecting the products tab:

- Each product has its own section, you can completely remove a product by clicking the "Active" toggle and deactivating that service entirely.
- You can also use the enable check box to select what cycle options you want to offer for the product, for example, if you only wanted to offer yearly products you would not select every box except "Annually".
- On the right hand side we can update the selling price (in USD), we have recommenced price on the left which is used by default. When changing the price make sure to click the "Save Changes" button in the bottom right of the screen.
Displaying your products in the client area
All activated MarketConnect products generate a landing page, this is a page shown in your drop-down menu in the client area which takes you directly to a page about the service. See more about landing pages and how to edit them here.
You can also use the "Promotion Settings" tab to decide where to promote the products to clients when they are in your online store, by default all the promotional settings are active.
Generating an order
Orders can be generated naturally by customers creating orders using your client area or by an admin manually creating an order. This is no different to creating a normal order in WHMCS, except when choosing the predefined MarketConnect product from the drop down list when creating the order.
Below we have chosen the RapidSSL product from the drop down and set the "Billing Cycle" to "Annually" to choose what cycle option for the service.

Provisioning the service
Provisioning the service means generating the actual product from the reseller, for DigiCert products this means creating an SSL product. There are 2 ways we can provision the service.
- The customer will pay the invoice, this will set of an automatic process to provision the service. This is the most natural way to create a service.
- You can manually create the service as an admin, you can do this by manually accepting the order before payment and having the "Run Manual Create" check box ticket, or by going to the product service page and clicking the "Create" module command.
Please be aware that once a service is provisioned it will automatically deduct the price from your Marketplace balance.
Last steps and configuration
Once and product is provisioned you will see the MarketPlace order number in the service management box on the product page like the below image.

This number will match up with a billing item to your Marketplace account and tracks what services you have been charged for.
Now, all MarketConnect services can automatically configure if is an add on to a hosting account and has valid cPanel, DirectAdmin or Plesk details but we can also manually configure all of our products. For help with manual configuration of an SSL you can check out another of our guides here.
If you are still struggling with an order, get in touch with our MarketPlace support team who will be happy to help!
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