Landing Pages
Pre-made landing pages are made available to help you promote and educate your customers about SSL Certificates and the various features and benefits of each of the types of SSL made available via WHMCS MarketConnect.
There are 5 pages that make up the SSL landing pages. The landing pages that are enabled will be determined by the SSL products you enable. The pages are as follows
- General Overview
- Standard SSL (DV)
- Organisation Validation (OV)
- Extended Validation (EV)
- Wildcard Certificates
The landing pages can be accessed via the client area.
In the logged out state, users navigate to Store > SSL Certificates.

In a logged in state, users navigate to Website & Security > SSL Certificates.
Landing Page Example
Each landing page contains a headline, subheadline, navigation bar, introductory paragraph detailing the features and benefits of a particular type of SSL Certificate, a pricing matrix table itemising features and pricing options and a feature list.
Pictured below is the default Extended Validation SSL landing page.

Customising the landing pages
All the landing pages that are provided with MarketConnect are controlled by templates and are fully customisable using any regular HTML editor.
The template files can be found in the /store/ directory within your active client area template directory.
For more information on working with templates, please refer to
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